Meet The Team

If you're looking for a dental clinic with a family-oriented focus and a compassionate team, then we are the dental home for you. At Relaxation Dental, our team is enthusiastic and brings years of experience and commitment to your oral health to help you enjoy a great experience every time you visit us. We understand that when you feel good about your smile, you're more likely to share it, which boosts your confidence and quality of life. Our team truly prioritizes your comfort and values your trust, which is why we only recommend treatments you need and offer sedation options to alleviate anxiety.

Read more below to learn about our team.

Jessie Brown

Business Growth & Team Development Specialist

What year did you join Relaxation Dental?

Day 1 with Dr. Brown. 2015.

How long have you been working in your field?

11 Years

What is your superpower?

I GROW things! Businesses, Teams, People, Gardens, Animals, Children…. I can also wiggle my nose and ears like a rabbit…just sayin’

What do you Love about Relaxation Dental?

I love creating, developing, and working with the most amazing team and the most stellar people I know. I love changing lives-- The lives of our team members by creating growth and development opportunities they wouldn’t normally have access to. Changing lives of our patients by creating access to a level of compassionate, quality, care that is above and beyond anything they can get anywhere else, much less in a small town, as well as creating a safe environment where they can feel 100% trust and 0% fear. And I love making a difference, helping people at all turns. Making things/communities/people better than when we found them. We’re making a difference individually and communally and that feels good to be a part of something so good. This all might all sound a little
canned, but it’s 100% true!!! It’s exhilarating. I also love working with the best kind of people. Everyone here is hired for compassion, drive, intelligence & kindness first, and experience second. That makes for a very fun group of people to work with!!!

Favorite activities?

EV.ER.Y.THING! Snowboarding (was a pro-instructor for 15 years), Trail Running year-round (I would call it more of a trail-jog or speed walk if I'm honest! But Trail running sounds way more hardcore ;-), backcountry snowmobiling, RZRing, river SUPing & rafting, hiking, camping, wakeboarding/surfing, rock climbing, Ice climbing, snorkeling & scuba and on and on and on!

Do you have any pets?

Chickens, cats, a parrot, and a bunch of piglets...all named after foods. Some of the names are BBQ, Nugget, Raisen, Carmel, Twinkie, Bean, Sausage, Baconater, Fritter etc etc!

Amanda Bonapace

Treatment Coordinator

What year did you join Relaxation Dental?


How long have you been working in your field?

10 Years

What is your superpower?

I have a keen ability to calm and always calm others.

What do you Love about Relaxation Dental?

We have the most amazing patients, practice, and team. We train weekly and are always on top of our game.

Favorite activities?

Hiking, ice climbing, boating, kayaking, fishing, cooking.

Do you have any pets?


Jessica Demanowski

Dental Hygienist

What year did you join Relaxation Dental?

October 2022

How long have you been working in your field?

10 Years

What is your superpower?


What do you Love about Relaxation Dental?

I love who I work for, who I work with, and most of all I love how much we genuinely care for our patients!

Favorite activities?

Fitness, Health

Do you have any pets?

My old man cat, Nugget

Please share a couple of your hobbies:

Reading, Crochet


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